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5375 HWY 136
Trenton GA 30752
M-Sa 9 AM-6 PM
Sun - Closed
You can go ANYWHERE in a book!
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1. Color Laser Copies in the store $1.50/single-side page
2. Black and White Copies $1/ a single side page

Click HERE to see our inventory
Thank you to our customers for getting us through October.
We support our local Senior Citizens
We collect used books for our Senior Center, and once a quarter, we donate to our Seniors. To date, we have donated approximately 2,000 Books to our Seniors!

We support our County Jail and Inmates
Customers at McBride's can order books (soft-cover only) to be delivered to our Dade County Jail. Additionally, we take donations for anyone who wants to donate books to our inmates.

We Support Our Community
We are ACTIVE members of our community. WE SUPPORT LOCAL, and we participate in seasonal events that help our community hold onto our small-town feel.

We Find the Books, CDs, DVDs, BlueRays, Video Games. You name it!
We have over 38,000 books in the store and another 400,000 in our warehouse. We are constantly updating our stock and our inventory to have the best items available, but if we do not have it today, we can order just about any book and have it here in 2-6 days. To check our current inventory, click here!
We support local authors
We feature local author book distributions and book signing events.
If you are or know a local or regional author,
please call us to set up an event! 706-500-1017
Author Mark L. Brooks signs copies of his book
Layin Autumn's Dust at McBride's in July 2024.
Get a SIGNED copy at McBride's for only $20 +tx ($21.40)

We trade books all over the US to find the best selection for our customers. Recent trades have been in the following places...
Contact Us
You can go ANYWHERE in a Book!
We accept books for donation or store credit, fairly traded.
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We are continuing to keep Ginger's dream alive.
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